Bazzite Linux announced two new editions designed for game developers

Bazzite Linux announced two new editions designed for game developers
Hey Mastodon, my name is Dana! I have a passion for video games, reading, and working to make the world a better place; for myself and all generations to follow.
I work for a non-profit called Jennifer Ann's Group. Our mission is to prevent teen dating violence through awareness, education, and advocacy. Part of how we accomplish this is by creating video games to help teach teens about key protective factors and building healthy relationships. I graduated with a bachelors degree in Esports Management and have been working to spread awareness about our Gaming Against Violence program.
We also support developers in our annual game jam!
Let's connect, I'd love to meet other like-minded individuals!
All gameplay features are done and now creating the world itself!
I really love the dark front layers, still a super long way to go but it's getting better and better!
This map is so mindblowing! I'm using parts as inspiration for level design
Perhaps handy for other 2D devs!
I just migrated here from, so as a quick introduction... I am a trans woman. I transitioned back in the nineties before the world declared war on us. I was diagnosed with autism in my fifties, and more recently I have self diagnosed myself as having CPTSD. I post about astronomy, game development, trans issues, mental health, autism, and writing. #trans #actuallyAutistic #writing #mentalHealth #gameDev
Amazon GameLift Streams allows devs to run their own streaming platform - supports Linux and Proton runtimes
Raw gameplay on iOS
(I made this game in Unreal Engine, it's not released yet)
Here’s a post launch blog post on Exoloper.
TLDR, sales didn’t go at all, but the receptions been alright!
Some thoughts on where I can take it in the future.
It has been 0 days since I last raised an exception or threw an error, not because something had gone wrong, but because I wanted to jump back up the stack without having to piss about unwinding it one layer at a time.
#programming #gamedev
My horror game is available on Itchio! It's my first ever commercial game!
Please share and leave a comment on Itchio to help boost the algorithm!
Почему инди MMORPG в 2025 году — не приговор
TL;DR 7 друзей без коммерческого опыта разработки игр решили сделать свою MMORPG. Костяк классической MMORPG (за классику берём WoW: Wrath the King Lich) с механиками и переработками, которые привносят новизны. MVP к лету 2025, цель — тысяча игроков на окончание альфы. Смотреть, что получилось
Hello Mastodon! I'm a power engineer who is trying out solo game development and on the way to release Power Network Tycoon - a game where you build and manage your own electrical grid with real physics simulation.
If you've ever wondered how power systems actually work (or why they fail), this might be your jam. I built it to be technically accurate while still being fun. To say it's been a challenge is an understatement
Ofc there will be #cats spread across the game to cheer you on, give love or laugh at you
Don't think I'm gonna use this #cat player character but it's still kinda cute
#20InfluentialGames #gamedev day 18: #CaveStory ( by #indiedev Pixel on #linux
(challenge is #20games, 1 game per day, no review, no explanation, no particular order)
Недельный геймдев: #216 — 9 марта, 2025
Из новостей : Godot Engine 4.4, появилась тулза для перекомпиляции игр с Xbox 360 в x86 для ПК, продано более 8 миллионов копий Monster Hunter Wilds всего за 3 дня. Из интересностей: в чём причина высокой скорости fastDOOM, в чём смысл странных статус-эффектов, симуляция воды над рельефом, воссоздание оригинального вступления Warcraft III.
#20InfluentialGames #gamedev day 17: #Bubsy ( by #Accolade on #snes
(challenge is #20games, 1 game per day, no review, no explanation, no particular order)